Himpana Cabang Tanjung, a community of retired Pertamina employees, held a Silaturahmi event and Halal Bihalal 1444 Hijiriah on Saturday, May 6th, at Gedung Mutiara Patra Komperta Murung Pudak, Tabalong District. The event also included a religious lecture by Ustadz H. Ahmad Surkati from Kemenag Tabalong.
The Chairman of Himpana Cabang Tanjung, H. Dedy Suryadi, stated in his speech that there are currently around 250 retired Pertamina employees among the 2023 members of Himpana Cabang Tanjung. He also mentioned that the Himpana Secretariat, located at Jalan Bontang Nomor 112, Komperta Murung Pudak, is a facility provided by PT Pertamina EP Tanjung. Moreover, he added that healthcare services are routinely provided to Himpana members by the local Pertamina Hospital.
H. Dedy expressed his gratitude to PT Pertamina EP Tanjung for their support, guidance, and assistance throughout the years, on behalf of all the executives and members of Himpana Cabang Tanjung. He hoped that this successful partnership would continue to flourish.
He said, “Membership inventories are updated each year by updating data for all Pertamina retirees. Furthermore, the executives of Himpana Cabang Tanjung provide assistance in handling all administrative issues related to Pertamina retirees. They strive to fulfill their obligations as retirees; facilitate changes in their status, and provide ambulance funeral donations.”
Silaturahmi events like this have become a tradition among the Himpana community. “In fact, Silaturahmi events are also held for executives and members of Himpana in other branches such as Banjarmasin, Banjar Baru, and even Balik Papan to exchange information,” said H. Dedy.
Representing PT Pertamina EP Tanjung, Legal and Relations Ahmad Ruspandi expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the executives and members of Himpana Cabang Tanjung for their service to Pertamina. “Retired Pertamina employees may have retired, but their support for Pertamina never stops because they remain part of the company that contributes to the broader society and the country. We hope that the Silaturahmi, partnership, and communication will continue to flourish,” he concluded.