Div, Pontianak – Pemprov Kalbar holds a Public Consultation for the Preparation and Determination of Kalbar Regional Regulations Draft on Regional Spatial Planning and Area (RTRWP) Focus on Substantive Structuring of Regional Spatial Planning, on Tuesday (30/5) at Hotel Mercure Pontianak. The active role of the community is the key in designing a sustainable future for the region.
Wakil Gubernur Kalimantan Barat Drs H Ria Norsan, government officials at the provincial and district levels in Kalbar, TNI-Polri leaders, DPRD Kalbar leaders, academics, private sectors, professional associations, community organizations, mass media, as well as development partners attended the Public Consultation. The event was supported by USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) and WWF-Indonesia. It is in line with the commitment of USAID SEGAR and WWF-Indonesia in strengthening sustainable environmental governance through environmental protection and responsible natural resource management.
Public Consultation is held to involve the community and stakeholders in formulating a participatory and inclusive objective, policy, and strategy in arranging the provincial regional spatial planning. The involvement of the community as a key stakeholder is expected to have a positive impact on aspects of land use, environmental protection, and infrastructure development according to the needs of various elements of society in West Kalimantan Province.
“By involving the public in the consultation process, the provincial government can gain a broader perspective to ensure that sustainable regional spatial planning objectives, policies, and strategies in West Kalimantan Province truly accommodate the needs of the community and considerations or input from various parties and stakeholders,” said Governor of Kalbar H Sutarmidji, while opening the Public Consultation.
He requested the central government to clarify the rules that are unclear to avoid misunderstanding in those rules. He views that there are still regulations overlapping with other regulations.
“Nowadays, the objectives change frequently, but do not focus on spatial planning regulations, such as forest areas that change into different areas, but don’t adhere to the existing RTRW, which is the problem,” he said.
Not only that, Governor Sutarmidji has submitted a letter to the central government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and other ministries regarding the submission of People’s Mining Area (WPR), but up to now, there is still no clarity.
“I have submitted three people’s mining areas, at that time there were three places we proposed to the ESDM authority, then the regulations changed back to the provinces, but it is not absolute, the province must also coordinate with ESDM Ministry. So it is the same back and forth, resulting in changes in spatial functions and overlapping concessions for plantations from one ministry to another, so we (Pemprov Kalbar) are troubled,” he explained.
Efforts to capture community aspirations are also reflected in the discussion session in this public consultation. Guided by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of Tanjungpura University Ir Slamet Widodo, the discussion session explores the views and inputs from the participants.
In general, the input and aspirations of various stakeholder elements obtained from this activity will be used to help improve and repair the RTRW of West Kalimantan Province for 2023-2043, especially the substantive structuring of provincial regional spatial planning.
As one of the development partners in West Kalimantan, USAID SEGAR supports the perfection of the RTRW because it is in line with the project’s commitment to supporting sustainable environmental governance through environmental protection and responsible natural resource management.
“This Public Consultation is held as an initiative that appreciates diverse views from various circles, including the opinions of experts and local knowledge of the community. By involving public voices, the provincial government can produce more balanced and sustainable policies,” added Head of Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Kalbar, Iskandar Zulkarnain.
“Regarding several points raised by participants, especially related to conservation areas and cultivation areas, they will be discussed in the Public Consultation session on the substantive spatial pattern plan,” added Iskandar Zulkarnain.
The Public Consultation event was closed with a symbolic signing by the Governor and District Mayor/City Mayor in Kalimantan Barat or representatives. It contained commitments and support from the parties to accelerate the Revision of West Kalimantan RTRWP, including providing data and information to speed up the Revision process in accordance with the provisions and authorities of each party and encouraging the role of Regional Spatial Planning Forum in the perfection and adjustment process according to input from Public Consultation participants.
This signing emphasizes the provincial government’s commitment to respecting and applying input from the community in making policies that have far-reaching impacts.