Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kota Sungai Penuh’s member, Feri Satria, has mentioned some challenges faced by athletes in the city when it comes to the Pekan Olahraga Provinsi (Porprov) or Provincial Sports Week. He has also tried to extract information from a taekwondo trainer regarding budgetary issues at the Youth and Sports Department (Diskepora).
In a Facebook video posted by Feri Satria, he notes, “In the video, we’ve heard about the problems, such as the town’s old building and problems related to nutritional supplements. The athletes’ energy is depleted during these rigorous training sessions. These aspects must be improved, or else the lack of nutrients could lead to ill health among the children. After investigating, it was found that the problem was not with the Koni Kota Sungai Penuh but rather with the Department.”
Helmi, the taekwondo coach, also claims that the athletes’ training regimen is not adequate, akin to taking medicine. This implies hard work and dedication, as the children must be up at 5:30 am, followed by training until 1 pm and then again in the evenings. Helmi also claims that the athletes are getting ready to represent Sungai Penuh at Porprov, but data is not available because of funding bodies within Diskepora.
Don Fitri Jaya, the Head of Diskepora Kota Sungai Penuh, has denied that funding hampers Porprov preparations and explained that there are procedures that must be adhered to throughout the funding process. This is a hibah, which means there are stages to be completed. Data on the athletes must be meticulously collected to avoid any findings that could hinder the process. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) must be followed, and the transition to a new Koni leader also complicates matters.
Don Fitri Jaya, however, wholeheartedly supports the athletes and maintains that the government would never withdraw support from them. Payments are sent directly to the athletes’ bank accounts, he shared, and acts as a beacon of hope for them.
Khairi, the Acting Chairman of Koni Kota Sungai Penuh, added that the realization of the budget has reached 90%. Therefore, all cabor should be delighted with the news. He urged the trainers and cabor to have patience. Even if there are misunderstandings and assumptions, the problem is not due to financial constraints. The key is open communication, as he has received the necessary paperwork and completed tasks necessary for the funding to be released. Khairi assures trainers and cabor that they are working to the best of their ability and that the funding’s release will occur soon. They must bear this in mind, amid the preparations for Porprov Jambi.