Asosiasi Truck Mania West Borneo (TMWB) Singkawang and MAMA Muda group have taken the initiative to repair damaged roads in several areas of Singkawang Timur, which have not been repaired by the Provincial Government and the city administration. Media outlet Metro7 monitored the group and witnessed them patching up potholes on main roads and alleys where locals reside on Sunday the 21st of May.
Several roads in Singkawang Timur have a number of potholes that pose a considerable danger to motorists. If they are left unattended, there is a potential risk of traffic accidents and other hazards to local residents that use the roads. To prevent these dangers and take a proactive approach, local individuals have taken the initiative to contribute to the well-being of their community.
“Rather than complain and blame those responsible who have not repaired the roads, we took real action and mobilized nearby community members who are concerned about the environment,” said the Chairman of TMWB Wilayah Singkawang, Eka Danang, during an interview.
He explained that the local infrastructure is inadequate and in dire need of attention from the government. To address this, a joint effort from the community is needed.
“Repairing potholes as a result of a joint effort between the Asosiasi TMWB Singkawang and MAMA Muda group is pure volunteerism and a sign of their commitment toward a cleaner environment,” he added.
By patching the potholes on the road, the group hopes to minimize the potential risks involved from an accident. However, the TMWB Singkawang and MAMA Muda group’s initiative is only temporary and as such, the local government will need to step in for a more permanent solution.
Despite the temporary solution, the initiative has inspired the community to take more decisive actions and promote greater awareness regarding the safety and preservation of the environment.
“I truly appreciate the TMWB Singkawang and MAMA Muda group’s volunteer efforts to repair the damaged roads in the Singkawang Timur area”, said Kapolsek Singkawang Timur, Iptu Dwi Hariyanto Putro.
He added that this movement serves as an expression of thoughtfulness towards the environment, particularly because it reduces the likelihood of traffic accidents in the area. He also urged motorists to use caution and prioritize each other’s safety while on the road.