AMUNTAI, metro7.co.id – Hari Rampak Sumampai was celebrated by dozens of teenage girls dressed in pink and blue headscarves, to mark the peak ceremony of the 71st anniversary of Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) regency in the local government office courtyard in Kota Amuntai on Thursday, May 11th. The event was attended by Governor of South Kalimantan H Sahbirin Noor, or Paman Birin, through his Advisor in the field of Governance, Politics and Law, Sulkan, who delivered a written speech.
Sahbirin Noor hopes that the spirit of struggle of the previous generations in developing HSU regency will be continued by future generations. Paman Birin also appreciates the efforts of the local government, led by its Acting Regent and staff, as well as the entire people of HSU in advancing the region. All the achievements that have been made show a strong determination and spirit in building a more prosperous and advanced region.
It must be emphasized that the HSU government needs to ensure that all elements of society have equal opportunities to benefit from the development. This is important because the success of regional development is not only determined by strong infrastructure and economy, but also by quality of human resources. This can be done through various efforts, such as improving the quality of education, job training, health, and community welfare.
In this regard, the HSU government has made progress, which can be seen through the continuing increase of HDI every year. “Let us use this anniversary as a momentum for reflection, evaluation, and to realign the development agenda with government policies, both on the provincial and central levels,” he said.
Meanwhile, Acting Regent of HSU, R Suria Fadliansyah invited all parties in the region to work together to build HSU, their beloved Banua. “Many works of our country’s children have been produced in HSU and the success of previous generations to prosper the local community,” he said.
In addition, many local wisdoms need to be discovered and developed through good cooperation, starting from cooperation within the regency, province, and central government. “One of the local wisdoms is the Candi site, tapih sarigading and the traditional cloth of the region. This local wisdom is expected to become a source of income for the people of HSU,” he concluded.
The event ended with a visit and taste of typical Banjar foods at “Wadai 41” stands provided by various local government agencies. Religious leaders and figures, community leaders, officials from the South Kalimantan Provincial Government, Chairman and members of the South Kalimantan District Council, Commander of Antasari Military Command, Commanders of the Navy, and Air Force, Head of Bank Indonesia South Kalimantan Representative, Head of OJK, Commissioner of Bank Kalsel, Chairman and Members of HSU District Council, as well as other members of the regional leadership were present.
Governor of South Kalimantan hopes that the struggle of HSU’s previous generations should be continued by the next ones. In his speech delivered by his Advisor in Governance, Politics, and Law, he praised the HSU government for its efforts in advancing the region. It is important to ensure that all the elements of society have equal opportunities to benefit from development. Success in regional development is not only determined by strong infrastructure and economy, but also by the quality of human resources. The HSU government has made progress, as shown by continuing increases in HDI every year. The Acting Regent of HSU invited all parties in the region to work together in building the area. Local wisdom, such as the Candi site, tapih sarigading and the traditional cloth of the region should be developed through good cooperation to become a source of income for its people. The event ended with a visit and taste of typical Banjar foods.