Bupati Asahan joined the peak event of the 27th anniversary of regional autonomy at Anjungan City of Makassar in South Sulawesi on Saturday, April 29th. The event was marked by a flag-raising ceremony with Minister of Internal Affairs Tito Karnavian as the inspector of the ceremony, and attended by high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, governors, regents, and mayors from all over Indonesia.
In his speech, Minister Tito expressed that regional autonomy should be able to produce skillful and inspirational leaders. Therefore, he appreciated and thanked newly established autonomous regions that have successfully increased their regional income and fiscal capacity. He hoped that the increase would be used for development programs and the welfare of the people, which could improve the Human Development Index (HDI), reduce poverty rates, increase connectivity and access to infrastructure, among others.
Moreover, Tito stated that regions with good financial standing but low HDI, high poverty rates, and insufficient infrastructure access should evaluate their budget planning to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of their programs and activities.
Tito emphasized that maintaining price stability to avoid inflation that could burden the people is crucial. The key to achieving that lies in human resources, especially in government officials who have integrity, professionalism, and collaborative skills.
After attending the event, Bupati Asahan H Surya congratulated the 27th anniversary of regional autonomy in 2023. He urged everyone to reinvigorate the spirit and principles of regional autonomy to strengthen the independence and competitiveness of the region in running the government. He also emphasized the need for creative innovations and better public services that benefit the prosperous, religious, and characterful community of Kabupaten Asahan and Indonesia as a whole.
Furthermore, Bupati expressed his readiness to support Minister Tito’s policies, especially the budget planning that targets specific goals, improving regional income, addressing stunting and inflation, and enhancing human resources for government officials. He closed his statement by saying that the Asahan government would follow up on every mandate from the Minister of Internal Affairs.