Labuhanbatu, metro7.co.id – Wakil Bupati Labuhanbatu Hj. Ellya Rosa Siregar, S.Pd attended the May Day celebration at Gedung Nasional Rantauprapat-Jl. Ahmad Yani Rantauprapat, Rantau Utara District, on Monday (01/05/2023).
In his speech, Labuhanbatu Regent, dr.H. Erik Adtrada Ritonga, MKM, who was represented by Deputy Regent Hj. Ellya Rosa Siregar, S.Pd, MM, said that May Day is a day of celebration that is celebrated in many countries around the world on May 1st every year. This day aims to honor the contributions of workers in building the country and fighting for their rights, as well as fighting for better working conditions for workers.
“The May Day celebration can be an important platform for leaders and civil society activities to raise awareness of workers’ rights and advocate for public policies that support workers and their families,” he said.
As a developed country, it is the obligation to protect workers’ rights and create good working conditions for workers, thus providing adequate protection for workers to work peacefully and comfortably.
“We must be committed to upholding professionalism and healthy relationships and always maintaining good relationships between workers, employers, and the government,” she said.
“On behalf of the Labuhanbatu Regency Government, we invite everyone to appreciate and respect the important role of workers in building our country so that we can ‘Bolo’ and realize a better Labuhanbatu in the future,” added Deputy Regent Hj. Ellya Rosa Siregar.
Meanwhile, Labuhanbatu Police Chief AKBP.H. James Hutajulu, S.IK, SH, MH, said that fellow workers are the main capital of a nation to move the wheels of the economy.
Previously, representatives of the Wardin Workers Union expressed their gratitude for the successful event. May Day is not a celebration, but it is good cooperation between the Labuhanbatu Regency Government and the Police, so that this event can be held. “Hopefully, this friendship will continue in the future so that we can convey complaints from us workers,” he said.
Also present at the event were Plh. Secretary of the Ir.H.Hasan Heri Rambe, Assistant Secretary of the Kab. Labuhanbatu Regency, Plt. Head of the Information and Communication Service Department Ahmad Fadly Rangkuti, ST, M.Kom, Plt. Head of the Labor Service Department Turing Ritonga, Forkopimda Labuhanbatu.
This event was organized by the Labuhanbatu District Government, which was combined with the Halal Bi Halal and Silaturrahmi Forkopimda with the Workers Union/Buruh Union and the distribution of Eid al-Fitr packages. ***