Quotes Ki Hajar Dewantara: A Source of Inspiration for Every Individual
Ki Hajar Dewantara, also known as Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat, was a prominent figure in Indonesia’s history. He was instrumental in the country’s education system and was the first Minister of Education. Ki Hajar Dewantara also founded Taman Siswa school, which aimed to provide free education to all regardless of social class. His contributions to Indonesia’s education system were significant, and his legacy lives on today. His quotes are a source of inspiration for every individual, and their wisdom can guide people in their daily lives.
Top 10 Quotes Ki Hajar Dewantara
1) “Ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangun karso, tut wuri handayani.” Translation: “In front lead by example, in the middle, take responsibility, at the back be supportive.”
2) “Jangan dihukum dari kelihatannya, tetapi dari sesuatu yang lebih dalam lagi.” Translation: “Don’t judge by appearances but by something deeper.”
3) “Tanpa kepercayaan pada diri sendiri, keberhasilan apa pun tidak mungkin.” Translation: “Without self-confidence, any success is impossible.”
4) “Orang yang meminta-minta tidak dapat menjadi sukses dalam kehidupan.” Translation: “People who ask for handouts cannot be successful in life.”
5) “Keberanian adalah kemampuan untuk melihat ketakutan dalam mata dan melanjutkan kakimu ke depan dengan keyakinan.” Translation: “Courage is the ability to see fear in the eyes and continue walking forward with confidence.”
6) “Jangan mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain, karena kesalahanmu akan lebih besar dan lebih banyak.” Translation: “Don’t look for other people’s mistakes because your own mistakes will be even bigger and more numerous.”
7) “Kejarlah ilmu, sebab ilmu adalah pelindungmu di dunia dan akhirat.” Translation: “Chase knowledge, because knowledge will protect you in this world and the hereafter.”
8) “Merdeka atau mati, sama-sama mulia.” Translation: “Freedom or death, both are equally noble.”
9) “Bersikap tulus, jujur, dan tanggung jawab dalam hidup adalah lambang kesuksesan sejati.” Translation: “Being sincere, honest, and responsible in life is a symbol of true success.”
10) “Setiap orang pada dasarnya mempunyai bakat dan kemampuan yang sama, yang membedakan adalah kesempatan.” Translation: “Everyone has the same talents and abilities, but what separates us is opportunity.”
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Who is Ki Hajar Dewantara?
Ki Hajar Dewantara, also known as Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat, was an Indonesian educator and politician. He played a significant role in Indonesia’s education system and was the country’s first Minister of Education.
2. What did Ki Hajar Dewantara do for Indonesia’s education system?
Ki Hajar Dewantara founded Taman Siswa school, which offered free education to everyone regardless of social status. He also advocated for national education and played a significant role in Indonesia’s education policy, leading to the establishment of a national education system.
3. Why are Ki Hajar Dewantara’s quotes important?
Ki Hajar Dewantara’s quotes are relevant even today and offer valuable insights into life and its challenges. His teachings focus on personal growth, self-improvement, and the importance of education. Many of his quotes emphasize the value of integrity, perseverance, and hard work.
4. What are some of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s most famous quotes?
Some of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s most famous quotes are, “Ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangun karso, tut wuri handayani,” “Keberanian adalah kemampuan untuk melihat ketakutan dalam mata dan melanjutkan kakimu ke depan dengan keyakinan,” and “Kejarlah ilmu, sebab ilmu adalah pelindungmu di dunia dan akhirat.”
5. How can Ki Hajar Dewantara’s quotes inspire us?
Ki Hajar Dewantara’s quotes offer insights into different aspects of life. They can inspire us to strive for personal and professional growth, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to prioritize education. His quotes can guide individuals to make wise choices and live a more fulfilling life.