Satlantas Polres Bartim Gerak Cepat TPTKP Kecelakaan Maut di Jalan Ampah – Buntok Menyebabkan Satu Korban Meninggal Dunia
Satuan Lalulintas Polres Barito Timur (Satlantas Polres Bartim), Polda Kalteng mobilized their forces to handle a fatal traffic accident that occurred in the Ampah-Buntok Public Road, Bambulung Village, Barito Timur Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The accident left one fatality on Tuesday (30/05/2023) afternoon.
Reports indicate that the accident happened around 4 pm. A motorcyclist riding a black Honda Sonic, bearing license plate KH 2199 KL and driven by REKA (29), was coming from the direction of Ampah towards Buntok. However, while navigating a sharp left turn at the accident site, the motorcycle drifted into the right lane meant for other vehicles. This was because the motorcycle’s side stand was not folded.
At the same time, a white Suzuki Pick-up bearing license plate DAA 9994 TK was driven from the opposite direction by WAHYUDINOR (27). Due to the proximity of the vehicles, a collision was inevitable. The Honda Sonic struck the right side door of the Suzuki Pick-up, and the rider’s head hit the rear edge of the right side bed of the pickup.
The accident victim, REKA, sustained serious head injuries and was taken to the Tamiang Layang Regional General Hospital for medical treatment. Unfortunately, the victim did not survive and was pronounced dead at the hospital.
The police immediately went to the accident scene after receiving the report. They conducted an investigation, gathered information from eyewitnesses, and collected evidence related to the accident.
According to Kapolres Barito Timur AKBP Viddy Dasmasela, SH, SIK, through Kasatlantas Polres Bartim AKP Irfan Alireja, SIK, the main factor responsible for the accident was the negligence of the Honda Sonic motorcyclist, who encroached upon the lane meant for other vehicles. In addition, the weather at the time of the accident was clear, the road in good condition with smooth asphalt, a sharp turn, moderate traffic, and residential areas in the vicinity. The accident happened during the day, and visibility was sufficient.
Kasatlantas explained that as a result of the accident, the Honda Sonic motorcycle sustained minor scratches on the body on the right side, while the Suzuki Pick-up truck sustained damage to its right-side door with a dent and a broken bed, which was made of wood.